Rooted from the Catholic Relief Service Program under partnership with the Apostolic Vicariate of Calapan (AVC) as a social action program, SFI Development or popularly known as SAKLAW has evolved and transformed into an independent and self-reliant social and micro-enterprise foundation. Today, it is presently serving the entrepreneurial sector of Oriental Mindoro. Literally Saklaw bears a Tagalog definition as kasali, kasama, katapong. In the English language, it is literally defined as, encompassing. The Tagalog definition of SAKLAW bears a cultural virtue and value of relationship among Filipinos and particularly Mindoreños. In Tagalog, we call it damayan, saknungan or tapungan. The cultural definition of SAKLAW is in harmony with one of the fundamental principles of the social doctrine of the Catholic Church which we call, principle of solidarity. This principle highlights the intrinsic social nature of the human person, the equality of all in dignity and rights, and the common path of individual and people towards an ever more committed unity for the common good.

Programs and Services

​Contrary to popular belief that the poor cannot save, SFI believed otherwise. The built-in capital formation scheme of the program unique to Grameen Banking, proved that the poor are actually good savers. This is being manifested by being able to budget small income to all household needs at any given period of time. This ability and behavior signals a bigger propensity to save if access to resources is within their reach.

Like any other persons, those who belong to the low income and informal sector of the society are exposed to risks such as death, loss of assets caused by accident and/or catastrophes, Occurrence of these events would require them to incur unexpected expenses they may not be prepared to handle. Having an insurance coverage would protect and prepare them for these events and minimize impact on their cash and financial position. With insurance coverage, the poor and the low income sector will be in better position to quickly recover from shocks brought about by these events. While micro-insurance may not provide the client with all the needed coverage, it offers timely cash assistance, enabling those who suffered losses to start rebuilding their lives and properties, settle their bills, bury their dead and move on quickly. Recognizing the client’s need to protect their family, SFI continuously partnered with Mercantile Insurance Company to deliver an affordable insurance package that would offer a value to the clients. For the year 2018, a total of 1,161 clients benefited from microinsurance.


A. Member’s Protection

The member, while the subscribed program is in force, shall be covered comprehensively with the following insurance protection.

    1. Protection against Sickness and Death
        a. Financial Assistance on Natural Cause of Death
        b. Hospital Cash Assistance
        c. Burial Assistance

    2. Accident Protection
        a. Accidental Death Benefit
        b. Permanent and Total Disablement of Accidental Cause
        c. Medical Reimbursement
        d. Weekly Indemnity

B. Benefits for Member’s Spouse

    1. Protection against Sickness and Death
        a. Financial Assistance on Natural Cause of Death
        b. Hospital Cash Assistance
        c. Burial Assistance

    2. Accident Protection
        a. Accidental Death Benefit
        b. Permanent and Total Disablement of Accidental Cause
        c. Medical Reimbursement
        d. Weekly Indemnity

C. Protection for Member’s Legal Dependents

        1. Insurance against death of natural cause
        2. Insurance against total and permanent disablement of accidental cause
        3. Financial Assistance on Natural Cause of Death


Good character is an essential part of a healthy and sound personality so SFI through its programs and services aims to help strengthen and enhance the character of its members and its own personnel as well.


As Filipinos, we put great importance in our values as a people - cultural, social, moral, spiritual, and the like. These values guide us on how to cope with our daily existence. Our values help to shape our personal principles and aspirations in life, what values we have reflect what we are. Through the values formation aspect of SFI, we hope to sustain the good values our forebears handed down to us as part of our heritage.


Microfinance deals with business so different skills are required to put up a business, manage it, and sustain it. For our small and medium –scale entrepreneur members, SFI shall coordinate with its partner agencies to conduct livelihood trainings and provide technical assistance that will assist the members to have productive business ventures which in turn shall generate benefits for the welfare of their respective families and dependents.


Mindoro is an agricultural island, agriculture being the major source of its subsistence. As such, it is but proper that we Mindoreños show that we care for our agricultural lands nurturing them through sustainable means. SFI which share the principle of sustainable agriculture will assist in promoting this advocacy to and through our microfinance members many of whom in one way or another are engaged in agriculture.


Mindoro is prone to natural disasters so it is advisable that people are aware how to cope with them when they come. That’s why SFI includes disaster management in its program of services through information dissemination on what to do before, during, and after a calamity strikes. Actual seminars are conducted in coordination with concerned agencies like the Red Cross and the local Disaster Risk Reduction Management Team.


As part of SFI’s educational assistance program to its members, the organization provides financial assistance in the form of scholarship aid to qualified children of its good members. This is specifically in support to the tuition fee requirement of SFI member’s children who will pursue a college education.